Wednesday 17 June 2009

Charitable television

A programme that caught Company Clothing's eye last night was Mary Queen of Charity Shops; in which Mary Portas a 'fashion guru' turned a run of the mill charity shop into a thriving, £2,000 a week business for Save the Children.

She made a big effort to try and get people to donate clothing that was fashionable and looked good, citing the fact most women have a piece of clothing they have never worn; something that would surely be good for a charity shop. She visited magazine publishers Emap, where assembled fashionistas were told to 'Donate, Don't Dump' (D-Day - should have been 3D Day really).

At the end the Save the Children head honchos revealed that with the revamp and the far more enticing product lines, the shop was bringing in the required £2,000 a week and that they would be rolling out the changes in design and product stock to many more stores. So, next time you're passing a charity shop, have a think about the bargains you could snap up!

And of course, if you're company has bundles of good quality clothing that could be given away, think charity shop first, before recycling.

1 comment:

throw said...

Nice thoughts is good and kind to share and to do it in a larger scale influences other people do it too.So this is an awesome act of kindness.